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3 Ways to Reduce Allergens in Your Home

Woman looking into the camera and covering her nose with a tissue

Sniffling, sneezing, watery eyes – allergy season is here once again. Unfortunately, allergens always find ways into your home, meaning allergy sufferers have very little relief indoors or out. Pollen, mold, and other allergens can collect on surfaces around the home and linger in the air, but there are steps you can take to avoid this! To start, check these three factors around your home to take fall allergies down a notch.

Check Your AC Air Filter

Allergens are tracked into your home in many ways, like on your clothes or pets. Once they’re inside your home, they circulate in the air until they find a place to land. These allergens stick to surfaces, such as your AC air filter, and continue to wreak havoc on allergy sufferers year round. Be sure to replace your air filter according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Once that air filter is clogged, your air conditioner will start working harder (and costing you more money) but will stop doing a great job at filtering out allergens, effectively sabotaging your home.

Assess Humidity Levels In Your Home

In especially humid places, mold can be an ongoing problem, and mold can aggravate allergies in many individuals. While we often think of old or badly ventilated bathrooms as the culprit, mold can grow in just about any room where humidity lingers. If you’ve noticed extra humidity around your home, consider purchasing a dehumidifier to remove excess moisture from the air. Cutting down on humidity will help prevent the growth of mold.

If allergies are already a problem, and the humidity in your home is low, using a humidifier can still help! How? Dehumidifiers can help reduce nasal swelling and therefore help relieve allergy symptoms. By maintaining a balance in your humidity, you can actually help your family stay healthier and cut down on your utility costs!

Consider an Air Purifier

Allergens don’t always stay in one place – they continue to circulate in the air throughout in your home. Therefore, the best way to get allergens out is to actively target them with an air purifier. Air purifiers capture airborne allergens as they move through the air, so when combined with regular vacuuming and dusting, you can really tackle the problem and take your home back for the fall. Not sure what kind of air purifier you should get? Start with our guide to UV Air Filters!

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