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Is Air Conditioner Maintenance Necessary?

Central air conditioning unit

As the owner of an HVAC system in Cincinnati, you’ve likely heard time and time again that you should be getting routine system maintenance. But is the service really worth it? Is it a good investment? Do you need it? Today the certified team at Schneller Knochelmann Plumbing, Heating & Air would like to talk to you about why maintenance is vital, and why you should schedule yours today!

What Exactly Is AC Maintenance?

First up, let’s take a moment to really define HVAC maintenance. You know some experts come in, and then they fiddle with some things, and then…what?

Air conditioner maintenance and tune-up services are a series of checks, diagnostics, and cleaning services that aim to protect your system, optimize its performance, and prevent problems from arising. Typically, the service includes (but isn’t limited to):

  • A complete system cleaning
  • A check of all moving parts and lubrication where applicable
  • Diagnostics for all electrical systems and connections
  • Thermostat checks
  • And a full rundown of potential risks and wear and tear

Why Is Maintenance Important & What Are the Benefits?

Many folks liken HVAC maintenance to getting an oil change for your car or a tire rotation. And this is pretty apt, since they aim to do pretty much the same things by optimizing and preventing problems from cropping up. But we also like to look at it with this analogy: Would you like to get rid of a cold, or prevent one from happening at all in the first place? We’d bet on the former, and that’s why we’d recommend HVAC maintenance.

We mentioned the big benefits while we defined the service; protect and optimize, and now we’ll go into a bit more detail:

  • HVAC maintenance improves performance. A clean, clear, and finely tuned system will just do its job better, no question. That means you get a lot more cooling power, which is something we all want when that Ohio summer sun is high.
  • You get lower cooling costs. Well cared for systems do their jobs better, faster, and more efficiently. While that means more cooling, it also (and arguably more importantly) means lower cooling costs overall.
  • You’re less likely to experience a breakdown. Air flow problems, general wear, and component failure are some of our most common repair service calls. And they can all be mitigated, if not outright prevented if you’re sure to get maintenance consistently.
  • Warranties are a factor. Some warranties require maintenance be done on your cooling system. Why? Well, because maintained systems commonly outlets those that don’t get proper service by double or more. It just makes your investment last a lot longer, which means smart money and saved money, too!

Get Superior HVAC Maintenance in Ohio & Northern Kentucky

Think HVAC maintenance sounds pretty good? It is! Maintenance is one of our favorite services, because we really get a good opportunity to help out homeowners and make your life more comfortable.

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